Madison Trust general fund

Raised toward our $24,968 Goal
11 Donors
days left
Project ends on December 31, at 12:00 AM EST
Project Owners

Innovation ignites in Madison Trust and grows in service to the world

To direct your financial support wherever the need is greatest—to those projects that need a boost to meet their minimum budget—please make your gift by clicking the "GIVE NOW" button above. 

Every year, Madison Trust fuels 10 new JMU innovations through contributions from philanthropic investors like you. Think of a certain TV show but without “sharks” and instead JMU alumni and friends who believe in and are ready to invest in fellow Dukes. Your gift to this fund helps build the culture of innovation at JMU and provides direct support for some of the most inventive and ingenious developments at the university.

This general fund provides seed money to multiple Madison Trust projects